By crazyjohnny - 01/06/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I had a really big debate in my English Class about the legalization of weed. My group had to state reasons why weed shouldn't be legal and no one except me had prepared. My partner came to class totally stoned. Our group lost the debate. We got a F. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 361
You deserved it 7 959

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.


Thats weird. Im all 4 legal marijuana. It doesnt kill people so wats tha harm. And it will balance out the economy.

The general perception of those who smoke weed is that they do it a lot. However, when used occasionally, like alcohol, it is simply relaxing and not even addictive. Addicts are so rare amongst weed users, but the government would like us to believe that if you smoke it, your head will explode and you will become insane and turn into a werewolf. Think of it this way: how many adults do you know who have an occasional drink vs. how many alcoholics do you know? The answer is about the same for pot users. Most people who do it do it sparingly, but the ones who get attention are the addicts who need help.

squirelador 0

Why would a school having a debate about legalizing weed anyway? That's exactly what all schools are trying to prevent.

lol you picked the wrong side to debate on

hairyxnelson 0

I agree that pot should be legalized and your partner is a ba

ha. i find it ironic that this fml is about u getting an F in ur english class and saying "a F" in the fml, when it should be "an", i believe.

lucky4317 0

That's what I do every morning