That's one expensive hat

By Anonymous - 02/04/2024 23:00 - United States

Today, I went off-roading with a group of people. I'd been to wearing a $250 hat while my brother was driving at least 60mph in the dirt, it flew off my head. When I returned to go retrieve it, someone had taken it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 97
You deserved it 937

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Stetson (cowboy) hats and off-roading don’t mix unless you’re riding a horse. A cowboy hat is about the only hat I can think of that costs that much or more.


Stetson (cowboy) hats and off-roading don’t mix unless you’re riding a horse. A cowboy hat is about the only hat I can think of that costs that much or more.

YDI about 10 different ways. if I was there I'd take your hat too.

idk what’s worse, the fact you bought a hat for $250 or the fact that you thought wearing it to go off-roading was a good idea

2deployments1divorce 11

You could have been wearing a $250 helmet, with a chin strap.