By crazyjohnny - 01/06/2009 06:52 - United States

Today, I had a really big debate in my English Class about the legalization of weed. My group had to state reasons why weed shouldn't be legal and no one except me had prepared. My partner came to class totally stoned. Our group lost the debate. We got a F. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 361
You deserved it 7 960

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Just point to your friend & say-this is why. Case closed.

Ravemaster7 0

Team grading is as stupid as grading a debate is as stupid as debating the legalization of marijuana in school. Everyone knows what the teacher wants to hear anyway. But it's funny that your partner was stoned and the team arguing for the legalization of it won.


k everyone whos like " i love weed" n sheet like that is obviously not a pothead, but a ****** poser. i ****** hate people like that. you dont see ****** hashbean or urban grower posting commentrs like "omg im soo high" n "I loooove weeed". *******

this is so ironic it is one of my favorite FMLs hahaha. sorry about your F though I hate team projects and even worse is group gradings. serously though use him as an example for why pot shouldn't be legalized, except that would be pointing out that he does something illegal but if he does that then goes to school he deserves his illegal actions to be recognized.

The funny thing is, you can argue about weed why weed should be legalized all day, but stupid ******* stoners doing shit like this provide a way better argument for why it should be illegal, with almost no effort.

Biohazard808 0

Sorry for your "a F" OP. To the online grammar correctors - get a life. To those who say stoners are stupid we'll your pretty stupid too. Not all stoners are stupid. look up how many successful people used to or even still smoke weed.

Heres a shortened list: The Beatles, Jimmy Hendrix, every other rock star, every single rapper.

RebeccaWvvv 0

Maybe you should've been talking about why it SHOULD be legal(; ha

campbellshayla73 0

hahaha YDI for being against legalization

YDi for being against the legalization. DId you know that weed does less damage than alcohol and cigaretts? Infact, I'm high of weed right now (well, it's almost over) and I feel great and didn't feel anything that's hurtful to me right now.

califormula 0

Maybe you got AN F for horrible grammar.