By Rory - 23/07/2009 04:26 - United States

Today, I got very dressed up and was excited for my uncle's wedding. While standing in line for photos, I heard my dad's voice from behind me say "Who's the hot chick in the brown dress?" My uncle responds "Uh, that's your daughter." Silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 77 476
You deserved it 4 814

Same thing different taste

Top comments

lives_ppl 0

I'm sorry but that is too funny


rabid_otaku 29

Hopefully that was his way of complimenting you.

so I'm going to assume you didn't talk to your dad for awhile after this situation and that standing in the line for photos was very awkward

I would've been grossed out... but at least you can hold that against him to humiliate him one day... idk