Bad taste

By Anonymous - 08/01/2024 11:00 - United Kingdom

Today, my uncle was supposed to be the officiant at my wedding but he and my dad teamed up to make a joke about how this was actually my fiancé's funeral. Everyone laughed, except my fiancé. He burst into tears and ran from the altar. We can’t find him and he’s not answering his phone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 709
You deserved it 181

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Wedding day is one of the most important days in a person's life. Unless you know the couple extremely well do not surprise them. There is much more chance that you'll screw their perfect planning than that you'll had some new excitement.

And that's why weddings should only be performed by licensed and trained individuals such as priests.


Wedding day is one of the most important days in a person's life. Unless you know the couple extremely well do not surprise them. There is much more chance that you'll screw their perfect planning than that you'll had some new excitement.

A joke falls badly flat and your intended protector and provider flees in tears? May have dodged a bullet there.

And that's why weddings should only be performed by licensed and trained individuals such as priests.

OP, do you realize just how demeaning that was to you? That your Dad and would refer to you as a death sentence for your fiancé is just about unforgivable. Yes, it was supposedly made in humor but there was cruelty behind it. Either they think you are a terrible wife to be or they are complete jerks... Having said all that, if that scared off your fiancé you might be better off in the long run than having a husband so lightly committed to the marriage. But I sincerely hope you have found your runaway fiancé and worked through his fears and were able to pick up the pieces... I am also sorry that you have such an A-hole for a father and an uncle. If you ever do this again, get someone who is a professional to officiate.

Sue them for wedding related financial reimbursement, slander, and emotional distress.

OP could you leave a comment telling us how this turned out in the end?