By kodijack - 25/01/2010 18:13 - United States

Today, I got stuck behind a guy riding his bike 20 mph below the speed limit. I honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled, before finally managing to overtake him. Once I got home, I went outside to get the paper, and discovered that the biker lives just two doors down from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 666
You deserved it 35 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

plutosaplanet 0

i beeped at people as they pulled out of my condo complex almost hitting me. i dont care where you live, if you drive like an idiot im going to let you know.

"i honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled"... holy crap. calm down. maybe you should look into anger management programs... he's on a bike what do you expect.


Okay, it depends. If the bike was a normal bicycle, then he deserved it. Why the hell would you do that? However, if the bike is actually a motorcycle, then FYL. I don't blame you for doing that.

For the record, bikers can't always go the speed limit.

other person: Today I was minding my own business, riding my bike home. A little farther from home a car tried to run me over as the driver cursed and yelled, it was my neighbor FML

lilbyrd43 0

Soooo......basically you wanted to be a gangster driver, and turned pussy when you found out, that was your neighbor? Well ain't you just the brightest light on the Christmas tree

Did it ever occur to you that he might've done it just to annoy people?

Particularly the assholes who treat us like bikers have no rights

what, did you expect him to go 30 MPH or more on his ******* bike? give him a break, maybe he can't afford a car or wanted to get some exercise... people like you are why this world is full of such assholes

LOL @ everyone saying the biker should use the sidewalk even though it's illegal Well the car could have easily driven over the median or over someone's front lawn, even if it's illegal. Did you idiots know that it's unsafe for both the biker and a pedestrian on the sidewalk if the biker rides on the sidewalk? Did you know that it's unsafe for the biker to ride on the shoulder? There are bumps and deformities that could cause a flat tire for the biker, or the deformity could cause the biker to lose control thus swerving into traffic (IE, you) and then traffic (IE, you) hits them. Therefore if you're driving a car behind a biker, shut up, calm down, it's not the end of the world, pick a different route or pass him. If you act angry that a biker is in front of you, they deal with that BS all the time and will likely slow down just to make your life hell because YOU are the one in the wrong. Be nice to them and they'll move - bikers are very friendly.

Octwo 16

Ass wipes that road rage at only get more o

ozymandias_fml 0

Good deal. Now you can tell him to keep his bike out of the road, and stay on the sidewalk, and not have to worry about him causing more traffic problems.