By Anonymous - 29/04/2016 17:59 - United States

Today, some guy on a bike kept taunting me about my weight while I was out jogging. He ended up hitting a street lamp and fell off his bike. I had a real good laugh at him for all of 5 seconds before he got mad and really made me run. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 137
You deserved it 2 259

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey on the bright side you're getting a workout in

Surely that was a hell of an incentive to move your ass faster.


Hey on the bright side you're getting a workout in

Surely that was a hell of an incentive to move your ass faster.

Axel5238 29

While that sucks and it's mean making fun of someone in better shape than you rarely ends well . He was biking and probably in good shape if he could catch up with you. YDI

OP didn't say they even responded to the other persons insults. They were being insulted and then were delighted by the fact that the biker ran into a post. Who wouldn't feel a great amount of satisfaction seeing that? OP did nothing wrong and in no way do they deserve to be chased down by an obnoxious asshole.

I'm pretty sure you read the post wrong. OP was the one being made fun of, until the bully hit a post. THEN she laughed. The bully deserved a YDI. OP gets an FML, since the bully chased her/him for laughing at him.

Karma hit him back! Dont worry OP, he's an asshole

Invest in some headphones so you can ignore douchbags like him

fde2blknimout 18

Id of beat his ass or got beat. Either way hes leaving hurt

Well, I mean, you got a good laugh and a work out. Both equally healthy. Right? On a serious note though; I'm sorry you got made fun of OP. That douche-waffle deserved to hit every damn street lamp in his path.

Keep up the good fitness work, karma bit that A-hole hard! ^__^

Well, you saw Karma in action and had a good exercise. And he didn't even catch you. Hi5!

Sorry to the biker (not really), but you know, karma is a b*tch. Don't dish it out if you can't take it.