By kodijack - 25/01/2010 18:13 - United States

Today, I got stuck behind a guy riding his bike 20 mph below the speed limit. I honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled, before finally managing to overtake him. Once I got home, I went outside to get the paper, and discovered that the biker lives just two doors down from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 666
You deserved it 35 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

plutosaplanet 0

i beeped at people as they pulled out of my condo complex almost hitting me. i dont care where you live, if you drive like an idiot im going to let you know.

"i honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled"... holy crap. calm down. maybe you should look into anger management programs... he's on a bike what do you expect.


Its assholes like you that make roads dangerous. Have you considered maybe he was just trying to be a safe driver? Maybe he has a phobia. Deal with it.

JBsGirlee 7

In case you didn't know, bikes only go as fast sad we do so you are just an idiot

JBsGirlee 7

In case you didn't know, bikes only go as fast sad we do so you are just an idiot

bpayne1983 0

Yea your biker neighbor has no balls. Cause a honking screaming little bitch ass fag like you. I would have stopped and thrown my damn bike at your car window. Serves you right assclown!!!!

OP - you're the driving equivalent of a keyboard warrior. I hope you're honking and cursing can stop a right hook

becca9985 34

I was going to put "YDI" like 33K others on here, but then I noticed where you wrote this FML from. Being a resident of the "Overkill in Biker Friendly" state of Colorado as well, I totally empathize with you regarding the careless and downright rude behavior of bicyclists in this state. I only live three miles from where I work, so my average daily commute is fairly small, but it's unbelievable how many illegal things I've seen bicyclists do. I've seen them run lights/stop signs, ride in the middle of the street instead of in the designated bike lane, cut across lanes of traffic without signaling or even looking to see where cars are, etc. So, yeah, I totally understand where you're coming from.