By kodijack - 25/01/2010 18:13 - United States

Today, I got stuck behind a guy riding his bike 20 mph below the speed limit. I honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled, before finally managing to overtake him. Once I got home, I went outside to get the paper, and discovered that the biker lives just two doors down from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 666
You deserved it 35 202

Same thing different taste

Top comments

plutosaplanet 0

i beeped at people as they pulled out of my condo complex almost hitting me. i dont care where you live, if you drive like an idiot im going to let you know.

"i honked, cursed, screamed, and yelled"... holy crap. calm down. maybe you should look into anger management programs... he's on a bike what do you expect.


I wouldn't feel bad; it's his fault for driving so poorly.

You're a dick. You deserved it. Rot in hell.

YDI for still having the paper delivered to you. Is there no internet access anywhere around?

YDI. Cyclists have the right to ride safely, without being harassed by lazy people in their cars.

MissCharlotte_fml 26

That is true, but how long does it take for a cyclist to pull over for OP to pass? 15 seconds or less? While I think OP was being an asshole, and I hate people that scream at elderly people or cyclists, I think cyclyists need to be aware and mindful of cars too. I was trying to get to the hospital a few months ago because my sister was having a seizure in my car. The cyclist in front of me (on a one-way street with an empty sidewalk next to it) was taking his sweet ass time and had the audacity to stop, park his bike in front of my car, walk up to my car, and call me a bitchy ****. All while my sister was passed out in the passenger street. Then he threatened to sue me for threatening him with assault. All because I honked at him. So yes, while OP was a complete asshole, not all bikers deserve tbe right of way in certain circumstances.

I'm from Denver, which is a VERY cyclist-friendly city. I understand your pain, OP. Being stuck behind a bike on a street with no passing room happened to me so frequently that whenever it happened, my best friend would tell me that I'd get 25 points if I hit the cyclist, and 30 bonus points if I took three out in a row. I'm not quite sure what game we were playing, but man, sometimes I really wanted those points...

You'd hate Portland than. They've shut down freeways here before so we can "promote being green".

The game you are referring is actually from the movie Death Race 2000

Sounds like you need to put a bumper bar on the front of your car and play the bonus round.

you guys sound lazy Colorado is a great cycling area and u guys should go up he mountains than you'll see why we bike instead of sit in a cr all day

sososuckmytoe 1

So he was riding the bike 20 mph Under the speed limit? Just how fast do you think he can go? He must have forgot that the world revolves around you. The great part will be when he realizes where you live. maybe you will get that awesome payback you so deserve. I live in Boulder, I do not ride a bike, but I do not think those who do should have their life in danger from jerks like you who can't give it 10 seconds and let it clear up to pass. Dick.

saranottelling 7

I'm guessing the OP is the same guy who ran down a biker making hand signals because he thought the biker wanted a high five. OP, you totally deserved it. I would have understood honking, but cursing and screaming? The biker can't go as fast as a car and in most places it's illegal to ride a bike on the sidewalk. Maybe you should consider anger mangement class if you get that angry over nothing. (Unless you had somewhere important to be.)

justanotherbird 19

The post doesn't say that the biker was riding in the middle of the lane, which is what some people seem to be assuming. The bike may well have been riding to the side, but if the lane were smaller the OP may have had to wait a few seconds before they could safely pass. Many of the streets in my area are like this, so whether the biker is to the side or not we still have to move a bit into another lane while passing. The OP sounds like an enraged idiot anyway, so I could see this scenario happening as well.

i remember that part and assumed that they were talking about motorbikes and I'm like "Yeah it makes sence that they have equal rights on roads as cars" a few years later i found out they meant bicycles

Cyclist should have allowed you to pass as soon as it was possible, but don't be such an add.