By cane - 05/03/2009 21:44 - United States

Today, my mom needed coffee so I drove to Starbucks to get her some. She let me drive the Porsche, which has never happened. Upon coming home I picked the coffee up out of the cupholder so it wouldnt spill. My phone vibrated in my pocket, I spilled the coffee and crashed the car into the garage. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 209
You deserved it 65 484

Same thing different taste

Top comments doesn't matter what car it is, if you flip out so much over a phone vibrate then you shouldn't be behind any motorized vehicle at all.

eshy 0

This is why you don't drink and drive.


Proof that Starbucks is evil. Sympathies.

lemonlife 0

oh you poor damn baby!!! it's a freakinnnn porscheee

someonetobe 0

Eh, kind of begging for that to happen. I mean, sure it really, really sucks. But your mom let you drive her Porsche. You should have been a tad more careful. Sorry. :(

thinkpink 0

If a vibration in your pocket startled you so much you spilled the coffee, you're officially a dumb ass.

wait so the car was like still in drive gear when you decided to take the coffee out? so you didn't put the car in park when you decided to take the coffee out... seems illogical. maybe you're a girl. yeah that probably explains it. if you're a guy then you are just retarded doesn't matter what car it is, if you flip out so much over a phone vibrate then you shouldn't be behind any motorized vehicle at all.

alex_vik 0

Wait, not only did a tiny vibration in your pocket make you crash your car and spill coffee, but you didn't park the car and turn it off before taking the coffee out? Your fault.