By esk - 18/05/2009 08:48 - China

Today, I got my medical checkup back. Apparently, I'm diagnosed with a liver condition generally found in alcoholics. I've never drank in my life. FML
I agree, your life sucks 63 434
You deserved it 3 691

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can get liver problems if you mess around with pills. Same thing happened to my grandpa. Only one in my family who didn't drink a day in his life, but his doctors over-medicated him for a heart condition and he died from liver failure. I'd check any drugs you've been taking.

fatfaceunited 0

well now is the time to start!!!


fatfaceunited 0

well now is the time to start!!!

LamesauceDx 0
hadi_brown 0

sorry to hear that. cirrosise id presume. you could always get a transplant?

A transplant in China? I would rather risk getting minor surgery from a woman.

A transplant in China? I would rather risk getting minor surgery from a woman.

A transplant in China? I would rather risk getting minor surgery from a woman.

A transplant in China? I would rather risk getting minor surgery from a woman.

You can get liver problems if you mess around with pills. Same thing happened to my grandpa. Only one in my family who didn't drink a day in his life, but his doctors over-medicated him for a heart condition and he died from liver failure. I'd check any drugs you've been taking.

RosarioRivera 0

Maybe its a mistake... but if its not FYL.

Duckie101 0

"never drank a day in you life"......or so you think o_O

Awww damnnn, well I plan never 2 drink :D good on you =) hope they can find a cure to it .

to no.14 in a fair world maybe... depends what country he/she in i suppose

f*ck you're an asshole. Hope there's some cure or treatment. FYL. :(