By Anonymous - 25/07/2019 20:00

Today, I found out why I get so red all over at parties. Turns out I'm allergic to alcohol. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 824
You deserved it 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Are you a newspaper that you are “red all over?” Alcohol does that to lots of us!


Are you a newspaper that you are “red all over?” Alcohol does that to lots of us!

Me too! And I've met a lot of other people with the same issue. My reactions are a little random; I'm less likely to go red with hard liquor, beer is 50/50, and with champagne or wine I *will* look like a boiled lobster. Aside from turning a lovely shade of tomato, I haven't noticed any other unpleasant symptoms. So I have my drink or two, and call it a night.

We've found something worse than being in the friendzone forever - being the eternal designated driver.

You cant just be allergic to alcohol as they are made with different ingredients and methods. Its more likely something in the alcohol specifically. If there is a certain type of alcohol you cant drink maybe you can narrow it down. For example a workmate of mine has mild allergies to Yeast so he cant drink beer or dark Spirits but he can drink most wines and white spirits.