Get a second opinion

By Anonymous - 14/09/2022 11:30 - Lithuania

Today, I went to see a doctor due to some gastric distress I have. I came out with directions to buy a blood pressure monitor, I'm prohibited from doing sports, and have a possible diagnosis of arterial hypertension which I am way too young to have. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 018
You deserved it 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's always golf and bowling. Have your defibrillator ready for long putts to save par or 7-10 splits.


There's always golf and bowling. Have your defibrillator ready for long putts to save par or 7-10 splits.

Suaria 38

I'd first ask if they've had you come in multiple times to get your blood pressure taken. You need multiple readings of blood pressure taken over several weeks to be diagnosed with hypertension.

Would you rather find out when you have a heart attack and die on the basketball court?