By zzdug - 08/02/2010 03:19 - United States

Today, I got mauled by a cat named Mr. Sprinkles. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 092
You deserved it 5 897

Same thing different taste

Top comments

justanotherbird 19

YDI for trying to put him in the freezer, dwight


justanotherbird 19

Mr. sprinkles? isn't that the name of angela's cat from the office

GeoThermalSleuth 0

Yeah, which really is messed up. Dwight Froze Mr. Sprinkles 2 Years ago, Which can only mean 1 thing ... That Cat is a Zombie! OP you are now one of the infected, ... Join Us! We have Cookies!

jazziloveberryy 3
Lordlucian 0
npk88 0

YDI for copying this from that episode of the office. Which "coincidentally" was on last night

michael32123 0

evil kittens named after delightful toppings > OP

OMG I'm totally stealing that cat name!!!! amazing!!! wonderful!!! MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!!

also, mauled means slashed open... I don't think you would be in a state to post this...

Fuzzygraywolf 0

that sucks,but remember that the three headed dog in Harry potter was named fluffy.

NatandAlexrhot 6

mr.sprinkles wins epically.

cenax27 0

mr sprinkles should be introduced to my hunting rifle in the middle of the woods where no one could hear a gun shot

Dw i'n ddim yn hoffi cathod! I seem to have grown a habit of commenting in Welsh...

Oh well, least you didn't get mauled by a tiger named "skin eater".

Mr. Sprinkles, sprinkle some whoop ass on this foo!

WORSE: I hate cats.

I hate you for hating cats you ugly hater (I made a funny there) Mr. Sprinkles huh? that's embarassing...

88, you fail, cat hater. You fail because you hate cats, and we will find you. Mr. Sprinkles will find you...

skeleton_skinner 0
midgetsmustdie 0

you shouldn't of been a pussy.

You forgot to say WHY you were mauled so it's impossible for us to tell whether or not you deserved it.

You clearly tried to bone him, which is why the cat mauled you. Even the cat knew that *********** wasn't right.

That's Interspecies Erotica. Get it right.

*********** Correct me if I'm wrong, since you clearly have no problem with that, but I'm fairly certain that interspecies erotica and ********** are the same thing. Amidoingitrite?

Bennjie 0

I decided to look it up, since ********** sounds correct to me. bes⋅ti⋅al⋅i⋅ty –noun, plural -ties. 1. brutish or beastly character or behavior; beastliness. 2. indulgence in beastlike appetites, instincts, impulses, etc. 3. an instance of bestial character or behavior. 4. sexual relations between a person and an animal; sodomy. -