By Miserableperson - 18/03/2017 18:00

Today, I found out that we're supposed to get 3 feet of snow, and the person who plows our driveway is out of town. We're stranded on a huge hill. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 923
You deserved it 886

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You can't find a single other person who would do it for you? I feel like if you were to reach out on Facebook or something that you could find someone to plow

it's like you don't go out because you live on 25th floor and the lift is down


You can't find a single other person who would do it for you? I feel like if you were to reach out on Facebook or something that you could find someone to plow

Craigslist as well, I would think so especially in that area there should be several postings by people who would provide that service. Only if op doesn't want to or is unable to take the time to plow it. But if it's only the driveway that's the issue, why not park your car on the street or at the very end of said driveway? (this coming from someone who A, doesn't drive B, lives in a part of the south where half an inch of snow is a natural disaster

Because of snow plows, parking on the street during snow season is not only dangerous for your car, it's illegal.

Get out, now!! This is like the cheesy horror movie where the main character is too dumb to just get the **** out and leave the murderer far behind.

it's like you don't go out because you live on 25th floor and the lift is down

grab a shovel and plow it yourself

Pole your own driveway. Problem solved.

So, is there something wrong with your hands?

miaa952 0

Dont rely on one person??‍♀️

maybe you should be smart and not live on a hill

pinkuser626 17

In my experience generally if someone plows they have a circle of friends in the plowing community that help them cover jobs if their trucks break down, they're out of town etc can you contact them to see if they have anyone who can help you?

HalfLit 17

I live also live in an area where we just got a record amount of snow. I'm too poor to pay someone to plow my driveway so I did the whole thing the old fashioned way. I really don't feel bad for you.