By littlespoon - 04/02/2010 08:40 - United States

Today, my girlfriend decided it would be a funny idea to spray me with a hose while I was holding a kitten, showing her how cute we were. Needless to say, now I'm covered head to toe in cat scratches. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 457
You deserved it 3 567

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TryToBeKind 0

Your girlfriend is either a b**ch, or she is very thoughtless. I would keep this over her head for a long time

maybe she is giving you a sign that she wants her "pussy" wet lol!


YDI for saying "Needless to say" then saying it anyway. jk, op that sucks. FYL

where's my comment? I demand to be answered :) I worked so hard to be first and my comment's been removed for some reason :(

anyone? Where's my first comment? Or am I the only one who can't see it?

this^ If it was truly needless you wouldn't say it. This is just one of the trillion reasons I can't read mlia anymore. Also, op, your girlfriend's nuts, heh.


I am the girlfriend! and what my gf left out was that she was standing behind a closed window; i did not get them wet! The kitten was just startled! IDI for not thinking, but I didn't actually get them wet! And i cleaned her scratches too! PS. for all you silly confused hillbillies who cannot wrap your head around the concept of a same sex relationship-yes we are gay. DUH

killerviral 0

first and that must suck and sting

I'm first again. I beat you to it twice. Sorry again :(

sorry that comment was meant for the person above you. Stupid iPhone

I'm first again. I beat you to it twice. sorry again :(

Shady_R 0

No your not. FYL, get a real one.

girlygirl666 0

@ stickwoman-Who the **** cares?!

TryToBeKind 0

Your girlfriend is either a b**ch, or she is very thoughtless. I would keep this over her head for a long time

No, girlfriend...the OP said girlfriend and yes, OP is a woman.

It only classes as funny if she had a camcorder to capture the whole thing and then later put on youtube. Otherwise you owe her a punch in the ovaries!

Poor you. Poor kitten. Yep, she's definitely a keeper.

maybe she is giving you a sign that she wants her "pussy" wet lol!

hellokittywhore 0

15th lol jk my boyfriend did the same, the kitty was never the same again