By tarini - 27/05/2009 20:12 - Bangladesh

Today, I got an acceptance later to a great boarding school in India for my senior year of high school. I sent them a letter telling them I wouldn't go, because I just got back with my ex-boyfriend. I just got a text from my boyfriend. Guess who's my ex again? FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 741
You deserved it 122 056

Same thing different taste

Top comments

maxv_15 0

DUUUUURRRRRRRRRR. you so deserved that one. making life changing decisions based on your EX boyfriend... HAHAHA. YOU LOSE

Jordie210 0

wow. don't let a boy stop you from doing something you want to do.


You don't make those kinds of choices based on relationships. You're still in high school. And since he broke up with you via text message, makes me think he wasn't even worth going out with in the first place. Twice.

#2 and #6: If YOU'RE going to call someone dumb, at least don't misspell your posts... And OP: You are a ******* idiot.

I agree about #2 but #6 spelled 'your' properly. And yes pretty idiotic of OP

No, he did not. It's you are dumb, not your dumb.

#6 doesn't have any mistakes. "your husband" it's correct. :)

You are way too young to be making life decisions based on some dude. Do what's best for your future, worry about the boys later!

glarefun 0

DESERVED! I cant stand when people make life decisions around bullshit relationships

iloveml 0

um. sounds like a really prestigious school. is it really worth going to if they accept someone who spells "letter", "later"?

elfuzzo 0

YDI for misspelling letter.

I was wondering if I was the only one to catch that.

Never let a relationship get in the way of a HUGE decision like that. YDI and should definitely put school before dumb stuff like that. He also broke up with you almost right away over a TEXT so it must have been one of those really stupid relationships which makes you seem even more immature. Haha

you reject a school to go back to a guy? who respects you enough to break up over text message? you should apply for a school in Afganistan instead of India. the way they treat women there is right up your alley.