By Anonymous - 11/07/2011 04:48 - United States

Today, I got a text message from my ex from about a year ago, asking if my 4-day-old son was his. I don't know what's sadder - the fact that he thinks a gestation period can last 11 months, or that he's more willing to step up to the plate than the baby's actual father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 865
You deserved it 9 441

Same thing different taste

Top comments

A man doesn't have to be a biological father to be a daddy!


cutestlittlethng 0

you brought this on your self for getting pregnant with someone who doesn't care.

bellabeautiful37 0

#33, OP wrote four-DAYS-old, not four-years

missmaryb 0

You really know how to pick 'em.

dead puppies is definitely sadder in my opinion

Jeez.... somebody moves fast. I hope you had time to change the sheets before the new guy came over.

Pregnancies over 9 months are rare but not impossible.

actually most are over 9 months just not that far over

This is why we measure pregnancy in weeks not months. Months have different numbers of days so if your pregnancy goes through February it will be more 'months'. Most places count the weeks of your pregnancy based on your last period and will induce you at 42 weeks. Also at your first scan (around 12 weeks in the UK) they 'date' your pregnancy based on the size of the foetus. Anything after 38 weeks is considered term and the first 2 weeks you aren't actually pregnant.. So most pregnancies are actually UNDER 9 months..

aleishabunton 0

congrats on the baby but u carry a baby for 40 weeks they let u go to 42 before inducing u so the question is! at least the ex wants to take care of the baby good luck

davek 36