By grosssss - 01/01/2010 13:03 - Australia

Today, while I was trying to get to sleep, I heard a strange noise coming from the bunk bed above mine. I looked up to see what it was and my cat vomited over the edge, onto my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 728
You deserved it 3 432

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's not everybody who can train their cat to bring them a midnight snack.

It's his way of saying, "I love y-BLERGH."


kcmcg09 0

What if she's alergic to dogs? And likes cats? Not everyone has the same opinion on pets.

ipwnallmen 10

This cool cat obviosly wanted to have face sex with you but one look at you mad him cum at the wrong orifice.... at least your cat likes to chase after some pussy but get him a tutor... lol fyl.. hope you lose that memory soon.

well at least the cat didn't do it on your bed and btw you totally deserve it for having a cat


it's not everybody who can train their cat to bring them a midnight snack.

It's his way of saying, "I love y-BLERGH."

ILostMyPants 0

Literally projectile vomiting...