By anon - 18/07/2019 14:00

Today, my wife and I got into an argument. She ran out, yelling. Later, at work, I felt guilty, so I picked up some flowers and a card. When I presented them to her, she looked puzzled. I made the mistake of reminding her about our argument. She is now mad at me, again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 991
You deserved it 304

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why not use flowers and chocolates to apologize, then talk calmly about it?

Seems like we need to know the subject of the argument to know if your bribe was sufficient to quell her anger.


Communicate, don't use flowers and chocolates

Why not use flowers and chocolates to apologize, then talk calmly about it?

Seems like we need to know the subject of the argument to know if your bribe was sufficient to quell her anger.

If she forgot about it, say because I was thinking of you. That’ll give you forgiveness points towards the next. Use our bad memories to your advantage just like we do to you.