By Anonymous - 07/11/2009 08:04 - United States

Today, I got a new job. I'm 26 and I left an amazing job to move back to be around my family. I have no choice but to take this job. I will be placing my finger in a dead turkeys ass, cutting open its stomach, and ripping out its guts. 15 per minute. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 099
You deserved it 10 774

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'd never leave a good job just to return to family. A good job is the basis for a happy, thus healthy, life. I'm not a workaholic. So YDI. Unless there's a family member that couldn't move and needs you to care for.

You left your good job to be with your family. It was your decision so harden the **** up.


Well, at least you can use your new job skills on your inbred family members. A real win-win.

Your family was obviously worth it to you, so quit whining.

redcherries90 0

oh well at least you can bake your own turkey on thanksgiving. they might even give you a free turkey just for the day :)

Unless there's someone in your family sick or dying - or something equally trying - why the hell would you give up an "amazing" job just to be near the nest you're supposed to grow up and leave? Why do so many people fear independence? Seriously - unless you're caring for someone at home, start your own life doing something you love in a place that makes you happy. That's what your family raised you to do....or should've.

shalizzz 0

Unless someone in your family for whom you care very much needed help and you were the only one available to help them, I really can't understand why you did this. C'mon, you're 26 - isn't it time you cut the umbilical cord? You made the decision to leave your job while being fully aware of the economical problems the entire world is facing..... Stop complaining and take responsibility for your own actions

Was your old "amazing" job sticking your fingers in a LIVE turkey's ass?

Double ass penetration? Nonono.. triple.. quadruple.. ass penetration.. It's a mouthful of awesome!

Erindub 0

In this economy...sheesh you are lucky just to have a job even if it means violating animals. How sad is that?!