Let's go Brandon!

By SeriouslyWth - 28/11/2022 06:00

Today, I work as a butcher at my local supermarket. I was about to clear my area for the night to find that some assbucket has put “Fuck Joe Biden” stickers all over the frozen turkeys. I had to remove them. Even when I did, there was still sticker residue on them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 875
You deserved it 189

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Check the security camera footage, charge them with food tampering.

You ought to donate them to an "America First" or MAGA charity that helps poor people. Wait,...they don't exist.


Check the security camera footage, charge them with food tampering.

You ought to donate them to an "America First" or MAGA charity that helps poor people. Wait,...they don't exist.

Do you have some stickers that roughly fit the size of the removed stickers? Customers would love to buy frozen turkeys adorned with stickers of Santa, Frosty the Snow Man, Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reinder, or a Christmas tree on them.