By :( - 06/06/2013 23:37 - United States

Today, at my new job at a funeral home, my boss threatened to fire me if I didn't "lighten the hell up" while dealing with our grieving clients. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 901
You deserved it 4 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

They already have to see a dead person in a coffin, they shouldn't have to see one behind the counter too, or whatever your new job is.


theHIGHroad2 5

So, he wants you to throw a damn parade??

A black parade would be fairly appropriate.

31- The Ghost of You would appreciate that. Good thinking.

Isn't "black parade", itself supposed to be a euphemism for a funeral procession anyway? So it's entirely appropriate? Oh, that was the point and I missed it? I'll just catch the next one.

49- Black parade, ghost of you, and Helena are all My Chemical Romance song references.

Hope the Teenagers don't spoil the funeral!

#38-- I was not born into it, I don't have any relatives or family friends in the business, but I chose it. The hours are long and the pay sucks, but I love my job. It is not a job for everyone, but why not go into it?

You shouldn't tell Mama what you've done, else those might be your Famous Last Words.

God bless all of you for those MCR references.

Dawnstempest 17

It sounds like he might have dug his own grave with his attitude.

if he does not improve he'll be dead in the water

#50: Nice try, bud. Maybe next time.

iammeorami 25

Your boss doesn't sound like he cares about how his clients feel :/

Eh I am sure it numbs you a bit. I mean thats why you see firefighters and cops making jokes about what they see and do; sometimes its the best way to deal with it. Now I don't know what he is expecting with clients; you have to be serious and respectful, yet you don't want to down them further. Its a balance.

Well I doubt his boss was asking him to tell jokes and fool around, probably just to be extra cheerful and friendly because grieving people need that positive energy for the healing process.

Very often a newbie at a funeral home is just sickening sweet and over sympathetic with Oooo's and aawww's when a family says anything. The boss wanted a normal acting person who would handle the business of the day, which is the job of the funeral director. Speaking from 20+ years of experience.

I work in the business too and I assure you they're not all like that

Axel5238 29

I completely agree on the salesman nature of the business. Watch the Penn & Teller episode call Death INC from the show Bullshit. As far as the OP the boss is just trying to toughen you up some. I worked in a hospital as an electrician and it can get depressing dealing with patients that are seriously ill and the highs/ low's of emotion the family go through. YOu kinda have to express condolences, but can't let it get to you too much.

Great boss, he know what he's doing Fyl

I can't tell if your boss is a dick, and doesn't want you too comfort them as much. Or if you're a dick and you need to "lighten the hell up."

flockz 19

Id imagine it would be very hard to if your environment is mostly consisted of grieving.

Would, or wouldn't? It's not hard to party harder than a dead guy

They already have to see a dead person in a coffin, they shouldn't have to see one behind the counter too, or whatever your new job is.

You want to be supportive for the family and empathetic but not make them more depressed !

You will lighten the hell up if he /fires/ you. Because lights up.... *walks out and drops mic*

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

u mean drops mic then walks out lol

#22: You aren't the most rebellious are you?

1PersonIsMyWorld 22