By worldsmosthonestdad - 12/05/2017 14:00

Today, I got a call from my 8-year-old's 3rd grade teacher. Apparently a question went around class asking, "Why do you think you were put on this Earth?", and my son answered, "My dad says it's because I swam the fastest." FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 075
You deserved it 566

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Druu 53

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. *crash* What? An egg?? AHH, HELP. I'M STUCK!


Druu 53

Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. *crash* What? An egg?? AHH, HELP. I'M STUCK!

And your son's teacher was calling to offer him a scholarship? Hope so.

Lucky O'Guin 18

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buzzkill Something that spoils or ruins an otherwise enjoyable event Synonyms: Party pooper, spoil sport, Lucky O'Guin

incorrectsometimes 8

He really isn't wrong, and that answer is brilliant!

Actually you should correct this immediately. It's not the fastest sperm, it's the slowest one that waits for the others to do the hard work.

tak7871 10

Actually it is the fastest so he's in front then the slow ones do the work and push them in

Is your dad Michael Phelps? Otherwise, whose sperm did Dad's spooge have to compete with? Mom, any comment?

incorrectsometimes 8
GIJoefan 6

Out of the mouths of babes.

Thanks for the laugh, OP. How'd the conversation go with the teacher?

incorrectsometimes 8

She says that she felt flustered. ??‍♂️