By Anonymous - 22/03/2016 21:17 - United States - Fremont

Today, my son's teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He put down "unemployed". FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 119
You deserved it 2 087

Same thing different taste

Top comments

See, they need to teach kids the difference between unemployed and retired. Because who doesn't want to retire and live life instead of working

FilleNoir 21

Well he's not too far off. People live off the government for their whole lives. Hopefully he doesn't become that when he gets older though and just doesn't know better.


That is something that needs to be checked. .

Well, maybe he wants to win the lottery and not have to work

But then wouldn't he have put down "rich"?

skyttlz 32

Tell him your goal for him is to kick him out then

At least he has an idea of what he wants to be

Why is this in the 'intimacy' section? Shouldn't it be 'kids' ?

FilleNoir 21

Well he's not too far off. People live off the government for their whole lives. Hopefully he doesn't become that when he gets older though and just doesn't know better.

Don't worry OP, he'll change his major once the hunger kicks in

See, they need to teach kids the difference between unemployed and retired. Because who doesn't want to retire and live life instead of working

Goblin182 26

Well, it does seem to be pretty profitable these days.

Wow he already knows what he wants to be!