By njh - 27/03/2015 13:29 - Ireland

Today, my 3-year-old son said to me, "Fuck a duck, Daddy." I have no idea where he heard this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 340
You deserved it 3 611

Same thing different taste

Top comments

When I was a kid I said **** and duck all the time cause they rhymed and I thought I invented a new word.But maybe your son just likes to curse like a sailor!


WavRace 14

Is that kind of dirty talk normal to you?

"Ah yes! YES! **** A DUCK, DADDY!" Probably.

who says "**** a duck daddy" while having sex. O.o

Maybe now's the time to tell him something aren't nice to say?

When I was a kid I said **** and duck all the time cause they rhymed and I thought I invented a new word.But maybe your son just likes to curse like a sailor!

See I was thinking maybe they thought they heard that, but heard what the ****. Kids will often say what they think adults say.

Probably from a duck? Lol But on a serious note, kids learn things very fast so no surprise there..

Irish kid swearing. No surprise there haha

It's not like it's ok in Ireland for children to swear.

Maybe he heard the song **** a dog by blink182 and thought it said **** a duck