By Ducati - 10/08/2009 02:13 - United States

Today, I gave my girlfriend a small stun gun I bought for her. She mentioned how she thought it was ''cute'', though it probably wouldn't help if someone was after her. She then put the tazer to my chest. When I woke up, she told me how it was my fault, for buying it for her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 852
You deserved it 13 475

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think a safety test should be required to handle stun guns. Too many stupid people think they are harmless.

I don't care what kind of place you live (dangerous or not) or how low voltage it was, it is awesome you bought her a stun gun. I would dance if anyone ever bought me one. So awesome. FYL for bitchy girlfriend, you were only thinking of her.


why did u buy it for her in the 1st place

Take away the stun gun, return it to the store and just get her one of those mace canisters that have the dye in them. They work just as well, but don't have the potential to kill.* *Stun guns, police tasers, and anything else of that nature can very easily kill someone who has a heart arrhythmia, pacemaker, or other heart conditions that may not be easily noticeable. She could have killed you and she could get charged with manslaughter (usually 3 to 10 years sentence) even if she used it in self-defense. Mace has only caused a handful of deaths and those are usually the result of mishandling or allergy to the chemicals.

Wrong. If you get even a moderate amount in your throat, it will swell, seize, and suffocate you. Not only are 'self-defense tools' dangerous, and easily have the potential to kill, a woman has the right to get away with assault as long as she says she felt in danger. Go amazing systems!

If you spent one day in the shoes of a woman and experienced how many creepy looks you get out on the street, I think you'd be more supportive of the system. That said, I'd never do anything to anyone unless they actually attacked me. It's retarded when chicks use mace/stun guns just because someone asks them the time or a dude just happens to be walking down the same street as them and they feel they're being "followed".

Squid_surfer 0

It's always been a dream of mine to get tazered. I'm going to do it before I die. If I can't get a cop to do it willingly, I'll have to piss one off. Even if that means pissing ON one. (I'm serious.) X-O

she is right. it is your fault for buying it for her. also she could have killed you. putting electricity through your heart can kill you

So it's his fault for his girlfriend being stupid enough to stick it to his chest?

Kiwi_Splash 0

It's funny how us girls would blame anything or anyone, but ourselves, even an ant for our mistakes.

loooooooooool_fml 1

I don't get it, how is it his fault for getting taze'd by his girlfriend?

it's not his fault, people are just saying it's his fault cause they want to be asses and cause it's a girl that did it so it makes it "alright". bunch of BS if you ask me, the gf is retarded and he should take away her new taser and return it or keep it to himself to defend himself against a crazy girl like her.

BikerMike 0

Use it on that ignorant ****, then take it away and dump her ass. sounds like a woman who would physically abuse YOU.

wormwalk 0

i must say you are a lucky guy.fortunately you bought her a stun gun not a gun.