By Anonymous - 20/08/2018 13:42 - Canada - Markham

Today, after he fought tooth and nail to win me back, my boyfriend had to break up with me. His parents found out he was dating while he was studying abroad, and are bringing him home. He told me that his parents knew about me and were really fond of me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 374
You deserved it 201

Top comments

they are bringing him home because he is dating?? what!? how old is he?

"Studying abroad" or "studying a broad" (sorry guys I had to do that *dab*)


they are bringing him home because he is dating?? what!? how old is he?

"Studying abroad" or "studying a broad" (sorry guys I had to do that *dab*)

Yay! Someone turned “Crazy Rich Asians” into an FML.

More like "Crazy Rich Canadians", eh?

A lying child is not worth your time, my dear.

Honestly, you probably dodged a bullet there if his parents are that much in control of his life.

wrenavery90 12

How could they be really fond of you if they've never met you?