By loverofstrife - 07/10/2009 22:36 - United States

Today, on my break, I decided to be friendly and chat with a co-worker that everyone else always seems to avoid. He spent the next ten minutes telling me all about his abcessing sebaceous cysts. Apparently, "The scars look just like gunshot wounds." FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 106
You deserved it 5 618

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Any job I ever had in my life, I talked to that guy...You know why I talk to that guy? Cause when that day comes, when he snaps, and he comes into work with a sawn-off shotgun, walking through the halls and he finally gets to my office he's gonna be like........'thanks for the candy.'" Just sayin'.

I think it's important to reference Dane Cook here. "Thanks for the candy."


Way to go, captain obvious. If it didnt suck, it wouldnt be an FML.

well it can be an fml and not suck smart one seriously read some other ones

"...i ran on whiskey and burned like gas, i went too far, i went too fast i’d light a fire, just to walk right through it busted bones, dreams and tears, tattoo my heart like souvenirs life is just a word till you go through it, i’ve got the scars to prove it i lost good friends over foolish pride, drank with the devil just to feel alive i’d build a mountain, then i'd try to move it yeah and i thought that i was pretty tough, till i was brought down by a woman’s touch i got the scars to prove it ..."

Dude you're awesome! lol and you have too much free time :P _________________________________

Road Hammers? And nice username....I just love how it corresponds with your post

zee209 0

I think it's important to reference Dane Cook here. "Thanks for the candy."

waterynuggets 0

I think his life is ******, not yours sry2say.

"Any job I ever had in my life, I talked to that guy...You know why I talk to that guy? Cause when that day comes, when he snaps, and he comes into work with a sawn-off shotgun, walking through the halls and he finally gets to my office he's gonna be like........'thanks for the candy.'" Just sayin'.

Hey, #7 here. I just referenced that. Thanks for paying attention.

Cant you see the artist is starving for attention? stolen or not

waterynuggets 0

That shit wasn't funny either way

evidently watery nuggets has never watched or at least heard Dane Cook. If he has and still doesnt like it, well, then watery nuggets is a wienie

waterynuggets 0

Yes, I've seen the greasy frat boy's delight and I prefer stuff that's, y'know, actually comedy. I'm also not a "he" lulz

no kidding, i was busy writing it while you posted it. thanks for being a dick. and #15, who the **** are you? and what does that have to do with anything?

At starvingxartist- i took the comment from your name....... artist starving..... starvingxartist

yeah, thanks for explaining that one. because it was completely original and i couldn't figure that one out. the point it the completely random connection between my username and wanting attention.

.... you really need me to explain that? you wanted to get the attention that everyone gives/ will give #7, so you copied him :P though you explained that you wrote at the same time, so srry

Watery, obviously you are just completely uncool for not running with the rest of the sheep! Stupid, don't you know the dogs will get you? [cough]

waterynuggets 0
starryskyhearts 0

I looked this up to see what it meant - and found youtube videos. I'm a bit nauseus now... FYL and now FML for being curious... Blegh!