Play your cards right

By ShinobiForLife - 23/03/2022 18:01

Today, I realised that I keep both Naruto collecting cards and a condom in the same pocket of my wallet. Nothing says sexy quite like dropping a bunch of Gaara cards before getting it on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 323
You deserved it 1 147

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If the person you're getting busy with accepts your love for Naruto, they may be a keeper. Don't be ashamed. Everyone is a fanatic for something.

missedhighfivemakessad 4

You want to understand how to use lee’s hidden lotus on your partner. Garaas sand is the exact opposite of what you want


If the person you're getting busy with accepts your love for Naruto, they may be a keeper. Don't be ashamed. Everyone is a fanatic for something.

missedhighfivemakessad 4

You want to understand how to use lee’s hidden lotus on your partner. Garaas sand is the exact opposite of what you want

Let's hope the person you are trying to perform shadow clone sexy jutsu with accepts all of you and you can laugh about it later ^^

Lydmyers 9

Find the right person, and it would be sexy 😉

no that's pretty awesome lmao I get hype every time I watch him and rock lees fight!!! no matter how many times so I'd think it would be pretty cool.