By Artic - 12/04/2011 04:00 - United States

Today, I found that the love of my life is 3.5 inches, fully erect. My cell phone is bigger than that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 73 683
You deserved it 16 054

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Am I the only person that feels worse for the guy then the OP?

if its true love than it shouldnt matter if his erection ia 3.5 or 10 in!! haha


115 - you met Andy Sixx???? :o jealous!

lol mine is bigger than that when it's normal and I'm 14

When it's normal? WTF happens when it is not normal? It gets big and green and yells peewee smash?

SpizzySpose_fml 0

For me personally size doesn't matter to me. [I don't want to give a life story about how I came to this conclusion, you just have to trust me]. So, I while I can try to understand OP's dilemma, I don't really... That's unfortunate OP, that it bothers you so much. Just be smart and think about communication and making the right choices in life.

If you're worried about that of all things he's not your true love, or you need to grow up, love.

vip3r20 8
thumper_tigr 0

Size isn't everything, 3 inches is hell at 90 mph! Tee hee, good luck!

peke20 0

Well if you say that he is the love of your life then that should not matter. But if it really does matter to you then that is not called love.

Ohhhhhhh come on it's not his fault, he if he was a horrible person yea leve him but if he treats you right who cares. blame his genes not him."

that love of your life thing - maybe you should think that over... ;-) OR get a smallet phone!