By DarkMaskDiva - 16/06/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, I found out the medications my doctor gave me for depression are making me fat. My main reason for depression is an eating disorder. Now, I'm fat instead of just thinking I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 125
You deserved it 6 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, but jolly fat people are better than sad fat people! Seriously, though, go to a specialist on eating disorders. You're aware you have one, aware you need help.. Now get the help, if you can afford it. Otherwise, talk to your doctor. There's different meds you can try, and differrnt methods. Exercise can help your depression, and it MIGHT help your self-image.


ninja_darkstar 6

Why would you be so self centered that you had to take medication that made you fat

Seriously????? Get a life. This is the reason people struggle so much with self confidence, people who tell them they are worthless. Hasn't your family ever told you if you can't say anything nice, don't open your damn gob?? Give this girl a break!! She has a condition so many people struggle with. If someone is struggling, don't kick them while they are down, help them back up, and remind them why they need to keep fighting. Life is hard enough without dick heads like you to **** shit up.

Maybe you just think they make you fat

You're beautiful no matter how fat you are. Don't let anyone tell you different.

I'm so sorry you're going through that. What I would try to do, and I understand with depression it can be very difficult to stay motivated, but if you have time and are in the are for it, try to make sure to go on walks or jogs, and see if there are any good exercises for you that you can even do at home. I would also look into talking to your therapist, letting her know what's going on if you already haven't to see if you can switch to a different medication for it. If they won't change it, I would change therapists. Also there are groups you can look into as well that may help. Try to keep your head up sweetie, life has so much to offer and you can do this. Remember you have control over your life, and you can do this. You just have to find the strength. I don't know you, but as another person who suffers depression, i know you can do this. Keep fighting the good fight!! ?

That's extremely poor treatment. I hope you went to a specialist for eating disorders and got better help, or at least talked to your doctor about trying some meds that wouldn't increase weight gain. S/he should have known better than to give you something that would make you gain weight when you already had a condition related to that.