By DarkMaskDiva - 16/06/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, I found out the medications my doctor gave me for depression are making me fat. My main reason for depression is an eating disorder. Now, I'm fat instead of just thinking I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 124
You deserved it 6 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, but jolly fat people are better than sad fat people! Seriously, though, go to a specialist on eating disorders. You're aware you have one, aware you need help.. Now get the help, if you can afford it. Otherwise, talk to your doctor. There's different meds you can try, and differrnt methods. Exercise can help your depression, and it MIGHT help your self-image.


awesomebitches 0

hun I feel for you. I have depression and I'm anorexic and bulimic

Keep your head up Hun. I have the same problem with anorexia, and I had no idea that i had this problem for a long time. It was something that had to be pointed out to me. Things do get better though. I still have to force myself to eat when I'm not hungry, and food doesn't taste that great to me a lot of the time. But I know you can do it. Try to eat a little more at a time, and if bulimia is also part of the mix, try and fight yourself from doing it at least once a day, then try twice. I am sure anxiety is also part of the mix with you as well, and if it is, try looking up ways to help with that before you start trying new ways to help your case, so it doesn't become too difficult. I know you can beat this!! You're strong, and i know you aren't told that enough just like many of us with this problem aren't. But I know you can do it. I've almost beat this, and if I can i know you can too!!

Saffron pills are made from a natural herb and are a bit expensive, but they help with depression and weight loss and have lots of other benefits.

it was meant to make you gain weight, so that you didn't die of starvation duh -__-

I've had the same problem with medications I take for bipolar disorder, and I've suffered from an eating disorder as well. Try talking to your doctor about other antidepressants that might work for you, as your body will respond differently to each one. Find a therapist you like and trust if you don't have one already, and stick with counseling for as long as you need to. Look into support groups (just making sure you watch out for anything that might act as a trigger for your eating disorder). Block out all the voices telling you that your illness has anything to do with some flaw in character; they're ignorant and they're wrong. Thousands if not millions of people have survived these disorders and I have no doubt that you can too. Starving may take willpower, but it's in recovery that we really show our strength.

YourAllInsane 0

I think the only reason the pills are making you "fat" is because they are working and you actually eating I bet you are the type of person that freeks if you cant see your ribs

This is a real condition. Don't kick people when they are down, help them back up, brush off the dust, and see what you can do to help. If you aren't willing to do it, then leave it be and walk away. This girl is struggling and deserves support. I myself suffer depression which makes it difficult to keep an appetite, which is also an eating disorder. It's a terrible thing to live with, and it's really difficult to have motivation to do better. I have to force myself to eat most of the time. Try to think outside of the box for half a second, and maybe you can try to empathize for others instead of treating them badly. This is what makes me fear the next generation of kids. People that are so willing to treat others terribly when all they had to do was keep their big mouths shut.

Ever thought about working out? Eating healthier? Going for walks? Cutting back on soda? Parking just a little bit further away from the entrance?

iluvmusic8128 0

thats the eating disorder talking my friend

jaystreet46 4

If that is your real problem making you depressed, you shouldn't be on meds for it anyway. You don't have a chemical imbalance, you have a mental disorder. That should be addressed, not just prescribe happy pills. Dr's will give out pills to just anyone these days, it's sick!

Ricrad 11

Mental disorders are often caused by chemical imbalances...

Aw im sorry OP, you cant win. But your probably not really fat, even if you think you are, eating disorders mess with your head like that.

Something like this happened to me :'(. My doctor didn't even believe me when I told him that the pills were making me gain weight, even though it's an extremely common side effect of the pill I was on. I ended up more miserable than I was before.