By DarkMaskDiva - 16/06/2011 00:24 - United States

Today, I found out the medications my doctor gave me for depression are making me fat. My main reason for depression is an eating disorder. Now, I'm fat instead of just thinking I am. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 124
You deserved it 6 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

Yeah, but jolly fat people are better than sad fat people! Seriously, though, go to a specialist on eating disorders. You're aware you have one, aware you need help.. Now get the help, if you can afford it. Otherwise, talk to your doctor. There's different meds you can try, and differrnt methods. Exercise can help your depression, and it MIGHT help your self-image.


If you only THOUGHT you were fat, why did you need a doctor?

Ricrad 11

You don't understand eating disorders, do you?

You probably are NOT fat. You are probably just starting to not look emaciated; starting to have a healthier body shape and size. You probably still have an eating disorder, only now you have a scapegoat; a reason to believe your own lies to yourself. Its the medicine! Bullshit. An excess of control is actually lack of control. Moderation is the pinnacle of control and excellence. Strive for moderation, not extremity and you will find happiness.

rcm826 3

then exercise. you'll get fit, healthy, lose the weight and be less depressed from the endorphins. you'll feel better about yourself physically and mentally

rcm826 3

Or since you were prob underweight because of the eating disorder u are now probably at the weight u should be

or your not fat and the pills don't work

tsmsport 1

well then don't be depressed. . . dumb dumb!

If you decide to quit be very careful about weaning off your pills. Do it under a doctor's supervision.

okay thats terrible and i dont understand why people wuld think they deserve that.

usually anti-depressants lessen the urge to want to eat but they're all different. ask ur doc to change ur prescription btw I know how u feel

the same thing happened to me. :( they do it to make you gain weight.