By Coley - 29/01/2009 22:46 - Canada

Today, I went to the doctor to talk about my depression and low self-esteem. He told me that I shouldn't think of myself as a fat pig for being overweight. I don't think that and I'm NOT overweight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 961
You deserved it 3 695

Same thing different taste

Top comments

inlimbo11 0

What kind of doctor was this? Either you need to get a new psychologist, or why the hell did you go to an MD to discuss your depression and low self-esteem? And if it was in fact an MD, then I'd say he can tell you better than anyone whether or not your overweight.

Doctors suck. Take up exercise (because it helps with depression, not for weight) and talk to someone capable of helping.


You're probably just a fatty in denial.

Doctors suck. Take up exercise (because it helps with depression, not for weight) and talk to someone capable of helping.

FlickMyBean 0

you totally are overweight no sympathy for fatties

inlimbo11 0

What kind of doctor was this? Either you need to get a new psychologist, or why the hell did you go to an MD to discuss your depression and low self-esteem? And if it was in fact an MD, then I'd say he can tell you better than anyone whether or not your overweight.

Most of the time people (especially girls, including me :( lolz ) that have low self-esteem have a major issue in weight. For instance, even though my friends call me skinny, I still think I am fat a lot of the time, so I guess he just assumed that your low self-esteem was due to weight. ROFL though

Unless you're a bodybuilder, a doctor's going to right in worrying about your health if you're statistically overweight to #8, Amen brotha #9 you're a moron. How does exercise NOT help with weight? Doctors are both capable and interested in helping. also with 14, in case you've been living in a cave, you probably oughta know that MD's can prescribe drugs that can actually reverse depression, control bipolar disorder, and even calm the psychoses of schizophrenia, etc. Damn near everyone could use to lose some weight. Cheer up and hang in there! :) Endorphins rock too!

#16 - Instead of acting like a know-it-all and being quick to insult people, think a bit first. #9 was saying to exercise simply because it helps with depression. He/she didn't mean it doesn't help with weight.

rakhil11 7

oh dear. that sucks!!! lol i had 2 sit through my doc convincing me that i was not fat and 2 eat a bit more or he would have 2 assume i'm anorexic 4 half an hour...5'4", 90 lbs....(12 years old)

Who the hell are all these doctors. Regardless if you were overweight or not he shouldn't be calling you a fat pig! Especially when you went in for depression and he did nothing. You should complain!