By bigjohn106 - 17/07/2011 12:34 - United States

Today, in front of family and friends, as I got down on one knee, my girlfriend fainted. Her father, a lawyer, rushed over and said, "Anything she says for the next 72 hours is not legally binding" and whisked her away. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 700
You deserved it 3 216

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Symmetry88 0

haha! he sounds like a jackass. But no need to worry, if her dad doesn't like you, it means she does. (:


proxxX069069 7

I was glancing through all the comments and I noticed, you look like Angelina from the jersey shore !

Luvarian 0
iSitt 0

next time he argues you into a corner, faint.

Volcano47 0

sombodys father in law doesnt like you(:

jmtmxer 0

Tell him: "Objection, where is your evidence?"

Symmetry88 0

17 you just made me smile xD but what if he shows up with a bag of evidence? :O

for you maybe. but uh ya.. wait 72 hours and then do it again. herpderp

for you maybe. but uh ya.. wait 72 hours and then do it again. herpderp

changetheworld 0

Haha, you double posted and managed to get one thumbed up and the other thumbed down.

I know i don't know how it happened but I'm confused o.o

The second gets thumbed down to fix the double post.

xmayne 0

Objection your Honor, speculation. he is not a doctor there for not qualified to make that statement.

mr_miyagi 0

saying yes to a marriage proposal isnt legally binding anyway though

sylverdrag_fml 9

It's "Objection, your honor".

"HOLD IT! Show me exactly where on the state or federal penal code it says that her statements in the next 72 hours are not legally blinding? Click on court records and show the evidence that proves it."

As she gets whisked away ask for a lawyer.

wait... I don't get why my comment for moderated...

@#17: Or he could drop ace attorney Phoenix Wright a phone call. ^^

Indeed, you might want to think twice about having a lawyer for a father-in-law. Or, even worse, an ex-father-in-law

CommonSenseKarma 17

Or, maybe, if OP truly loved this woman, and he wanted to be with this woman forever, he shouldn't give a shit about her father being a lawyer. ~More than just Common Sense.

Except if they get divorced? Even if the woman is nice, The Father won't be, neither will he be merciless.

I think the word you're looking for is "merciful"

Maybe He Wasnt Proposing ? Maybe He Was Going To Tie His Shoe And They Thought He Was Proposing ?

Symmetry88 0

haha! he sounds like a jackass. But no need to worry, if her dad doesn't like you, it means she does. (:

StudMuffinette 17

not always true... my dad loves my boyfriend. just not as much as I do.

61, if that's what helps you sleep at night...

So just wait the 72 hours, I'm sure she's not going anywhere. If she says yes, congrats!

In 72 hours her father will have bought and moved the family into a house in Madagascar!

Umm wow...but he forgot to say that what he says and does IS legally binding

tyty22796 0
bobbymullet 11