By ummPORQUE - 07/05/2009 16:17 - United States

Today, I found out that the guy I've been having sex with for over a month didn't know my name until today. No wonder he always ever called me "Baby." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 018
You deserved it 70 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

How have you not noticed sooner? If he's just a **** buddy I'm not sure you can expect much more.


why do it with a guy tht doesn't know ur name?!

How have you not noticed sooner? If he's just a **** buddy I'm not sure you can expect much more.

Right. If you are banging someone wouldn't you at least have to see them outside? Definetly deserved.

ADD I can't remember names for the life of me. took me 3 months to remember my best friend's name.

haha, success! from the guy's point of view at least...I had sex with a girl for 1.5 months and never knew her last name...not quite as hilarious, but still funny

Slayer_fml 0

Dude, have a **** buddy if you want, but come on - if you haven't noticed until after a month, this isn't an FML, it's your life choice.

How is that possible.. im sure he had you on facebook or something..

FBIWarning 0

well did you tell him your name?