So eat it, just eat it

By jessie - 27/01/2022 05:01

Today, I was yelled at and called rude by my boyfriend’s mom because she made us dinner and I didn’t touch the broccoli. I’m a person who will normally bend over backwards to appear polite and courteous, but eating food I don’t like is where I draw the line. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 214
You deserved it 1 485

Same thing different taste

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this is where tact and diplomacy come in handy. while she shouldn't have made a scene, if you truly hate the taste, you could have simply said "I'm sure it's delicious, but broccoli upsets my stomach". or you could have just eaten one or 2 bites.

Mom was out of line. It's perfectly fine to have dietary preferences and they should be respected. I always check with my guests before cooking for them.


I mean, it's not polite for her to call you out about it, but you should learn to eat at least a little of anything within reason without complaining, especially if it's healthy and generally not morally ambiguous. Unless you have a moral, dietary or medical objection to something, in a high-stakes meal setting, like potential in-laws or your boss, it doesn't pay to be picky, and you should be up front about dietary restrictions. It's a key life skill, and your parent's should have taught you it. That example you mention is the exact situation I use to explain why my kid has to learn to eat broccoli even if he doesn't like it, and not just eat pizza rolls and raman whenever dinner isn't something he likes.

Absolutely not. Having preferences when it comes to food, or food aversions, is not only just fine; it's none of your business, nor the boyfriend's mother's business. A key life skill is leaving people alone to choose to eat what they want to. You should focus on teaching yourself and your kids to respect others choices when they have zero effect on your life.

Normally I'd agree with you, but broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables are a bit of an exception in that regard. That's because, to some people, and for purely genetic reason, broccoli and co. WILL taste like trash, no matter how they're prepared (I think it's a bit better if they're cooked, but to some people they'll still taste horrible). It's because they contain a molecule called glucosinalate, which gives them a bitter taste. Same with cauliflower and Brussel sprouts. Ultimately, your comment is somewhat comparable to telling a lactose intolerant person to drink milk or someone with celiac to eat bread. Or a vegan to eat meat. Eating habits are a personal choice.

Sara Niemantsverdriet 12

I mean, I'll eat pretty much everything. I loathe banana though, and I absolutely will never eat it. Not even to be polite. I won't even eat anything it's touched because the taste transfers. Does this make me rude? No. Rude would be me attempting to put it in my mouth and then vomiting on the table before it even got there because I can't even stand the smell. Broccoli could be one of very few things OP doesn't like.

Lot of controversy here. Speaking from experience, there are things just genetically that taste nasty. For me, it's cucumbers and melon. There's some chemical that leaves a horrid, bitter aftertaste on anything it touches. Even watermelon, unless it's sweet enough to overwhelm that flavor, and even then I abhor it. On my first date with my wife, after knowing her for a long time, she made me breakfast with a fruit salad that was melon, honeydew, papaya and banana. I at some of it, and thanked her for it, because I knew she put in effort. She laughs because now she knows I really don't like those things. Oh, and whenever she makes something with cucumbers (which to me are really unappealing) or other vegetables I am not a fan of, like okra or chayote squash, I make sure to eat a portion, just to show my extremely picky kid that I play by the same rules he has to. If I didn't make him eat things he didn't like, his diet would consist of pizza rolls, raman, salad and ketchup and not much else. So yes, I still think that regardless of what you dislike, you should learn to eat a little bit of everything in a pinch. You can train your tongue, but it takes some time and exposure.

yuuup exactly...its food...if you cant a handle a little unpleasant taste then oh boi are you going be challenged in life (or maybe u lucky) but for us normal folks perception especially first impressions are important ...its basic social skills...and what does bending over backward even mean if it doesn't include healthy nutritious food?

I mean, the bf’s mom is rude for yelling at you, I’m not arguing that. But I *do* also think it’s kinda rude to not even give food a vague nibble to show goodwill.

this is where tact and diplomacy come in handy. while she shouldn't have made a scene, if you truly hate the taste, you could have simply said "I'm sure it's delicious, but broccoli upsets my stomach". or you could have just eaten one or 2 bites.

You don't have to eat what you don't like. Anyone that tells you different is just plain wrong.

simply refusing to eat something given to you is rude (excluding random strangers handing you things) you could easily give a list of reasons you don't or can't eat broccoli. even untrue reasons to spare feelings that would otherwise be hurt for no reason or gain (we call this a white lie). but simply refusing to eat something because you don't like it definitely comes off as childish. There is also a huge difference between can't stomach it and don't like it. Doing and eating things you don't like is part of being an adult, it isn't all pizza, candy and video games for the majority of grownups.

Mom was out of line. It's perfectly fine to have dietary preferences and they should be respected. I always check with my guests before cooking for them.

I'm guessing mom was going through her own issues and this is just how it came out.

The mom could have easily said, "You don't like broccolii? What veggies do you like for the next time?"

Tell her your allergic to broccoli. Start to elaborate about the diarrhea and flatulence and she'll shut that topic down with extreme prejudice.

Evilqueen 7

I don’t like broccoli either so I don’t eat it. You shouldn’t have to eat something you don’t like just to impress someone. His mom was out of line for talking to you that way and she needs to be told that it isn’t acceptable.