By Familyreject - 02/02/2019 19:00 - South Africa - Johannesburg

Today, I found out that my family has paid for and booked a trip to Dubai without me. They weren't going to tell me until they were about to board but since I was crying that my friend ditched me for my holiday, they thought they would let me know. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 375
You deserved it 255

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That’s absolutely selfish on their part tbh and if you’re old enough I would recommend just going out with some other friends you have? Or maybe a party somewhere? Well good luck and karmas a bitch🤷🏽‍♂️

It's not exactly selfish. It seems that OP had plans with their friend and was finally ditched. Sure the family should have let OP know way beforehand, but is the family just parents? Parents and a sibling? Your parents are allowed to take vacations, and if your sibling is younger, he/she probably had to join them? Older, maybe they had a huge interest to travel! And again, you had plans, your parents also made plans. Sorry OP!


That’s absolutely selfish on their part tbh and if you’re old enough I would recommend just going out with some other friends you have? Or maybe a party somewhere? Well good luck and karmas a bitch🤷🏽‍♂️

It's not exactly selfish. It seems that OP had plans with their friend and was finally ditched. Sure the family should have let OP know way beforehand, but is the family just parents? Parents and a sibling? Your parents are allowed to take vacations, and if your sibling is younger, he/she probably had to join them? Older, maybe they had a huge interest to travel! And again, you had plans, your parents also made plans. Sorry OP!

So parents shouldn't make plans when their kids made plans elsewhere without them, just in case their plans fall through and they need someone to cry to and comfort their snowflake-like texture? No buddy, just no. Parents are human, have their own desires, plans and thoughts. It doesn't revolve around their grown-ass kids who make plans WITHOUT THEM. Why didn't you just comment "shitty friend for dumping you for the holidays" instead?

Mooglefox 23

Wouldn’t want to go there anyway. Heard that place will give you a really bad case of the screaming *****

depends on how many arab men rapes you, but yea, very true

Aphrodite 20

I lost brain cells reading that last bit.

Patsy Boren 19

Well that's just rude of them. Oh well. See if you can get some cash and get a pizza and if you're old enough get some drinks and watch a movie, have a drink, and get some sleep.

what is rude is the OP moaning about it when they had plans with someone else over the same period. perhaps the rude one would be their friend, ditching them so close to the holiday... but snowflake on, keep hitting that "aw shame poor you" button. I'm sure your FML will come up here one day

Patsy Boren 19

don't come at me until you're old enough to drink legally

Oman! They didn’t Kuwait for you? Your spirits must be down in the Qatar, because your dad, Egypt you out of a trip you deserved.

Mizzmagnet 2

Um, why would they book tickets for you if you were already planning on going on holiday at that time? Not their fault your plans fell through.

Jorn van der Ar 13

Frankly speaking, I found South Africa a lot more interesting than Dubai.

that sounds so cruel to book a holiday without you and deliberately not tell you. based in the information provided here.

So you had plans to go on holiday without them?! And they decided to go on a holiday by themselves?! HOW DARE THEY!

wait. you had a trip planned and so they had no reason to invite you. why are you upset?