By Lasko - 12/08/2009 19:37 - United States

Today, I found out that just because you collapse from dehydration on the sidewalk, it doesn't mean people are going to stop driving to see if you're okay, even if they saw you fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 212
You deserved it 6 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twidragon1000 0

Well someone helped you, because you got online. Now I hope nothing serious happened, and your all right.


magichateball 0

YDI for not staying hydrated and FYL for being so retarded as to forget to drink water or something equivalent. You are a sad sad person

Haha! Sort of the same thing happened to me yesterday! I was just on the edge of passing out on the sidewalk (combination of low blood pressure from having just donated blood and an uphill walk in 35`C weather). Fortunately for me however, people did stop, sat with me until it passed and even bought me some juice and lunch. Sometimes people are good. FYL.

thereitgo 1

oh no people didn't immediately stop their cars and get out to check if I was okay even though they might've been in a hurry/had important business and they had no way of knowing that it was a dehydration collapse rather than just simply being tired and resting as it would appear to them. suck it up OP. also YDI for not drinking water anyway.

It's because you live in Texas, and Texas blows.

first ydi for being dehydrated. second they most likely assumed you are a clutz.

scribblystories 0

I'm pretty sure if she's a Texas native, as I am, she WAS drinking water, though I've had experiences in which I've had numerous bottles of water and still got a little woozy from this heat. How do any of y'all know if she was drinking water or not? [But I do agree if she wasn't it was her fault lol] Also, people saying anything along the lines of "how do you know no one helped you if you were passed out?" need to realize that there is a difference between just collapsing and totally passing out. All of the theories of people saying that the drivers/passers by thought you tripped or something are pretty plausible, though it all depends how long you stayed down. And #158, I'm pretty sure it's klutz, not clutz.

Anyone heard of the Good Samaritan? Doesn't matter if the writer shouldn't have passed out. No shit she shouldn't have. It's still unrighteous and wrong for people to ignore you when you pass out.

open_book 0

nope they won't they certainly will slow down though to see if you're dead! People suck.

xXxJazzaxXx 0

YDI For not drinking enough water.