By Lasko - 12/08/2009 19:37 - United States

Today, I found out that just because you collapse from dehydration on the sidewalk, it doesn't mean people are going to stop driving to see if you're okay, even if they saw you fall. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 212
You deserved it 6 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Twidragon1000 0

Well someone helped you, because you got online. Now I hope nothing serious happened, and your all right.


lovely997 0

People get busy. Ya diiig. The person in from thinks they'll stop then that person hopes the person behind them will stop.

Its very true people do not help...My neighbour is a taxi driver. He was taking a passenger to his destination, instead of paying his fare, the guy took out a knife and ran it through my neighbour's neck (towards the side, so it wasn't as fatal). He got out of his taxi, his clothes are all bloody and he's stumbling around on the side walk. Not one person stopped to check up on him, the poor guy had to call 911 on the pay phone...

AntiChrist7 0

water is very cheap these days. YDI

There was a report on this. A well dressed woman fell, and within a minute, people ran up to help. However, it took several minutes for a poorly dressed man to get help, even when someone else was saying that he needed help.

loooooooooool_fml 1

Anybody saying that it's the OP fault for getting dehydrated, think before you post. It doesn't matter how much water you drink, I mean, it's TEXAS. The heat there is over the top. Assuming that the OP had water before, but his system already used it up. You know, for sweating and shit like that. And, it's not like you choose when to get dehydrated. You don't know when it will hit you if you are in unbearable heat. Even if you had water before in the day.

letitbe56 0

I didn't click YDI, but the fact that she's in Texas is all the more reason why she either shouldn't be outside or should have come prepared with water. I'm in the northeast, and even I've been hearing about the Texas temperatures all summer. If I had gone to Texas, you would never have seen me without an enormous bottle of water.

It's called the bystander effect. The more people there are around you, the less likely anyone is to help.

dcstream 0

I would rather have no help then recieve care from someone who doesn't know what they're doing. I was an EMT for a while, and I've seen seizure patients lost teeth and have permanent damage to their mouth from people sticking spoons or sticks in their mouths because someone said they needed to "stop them from swallowing their tongue."