By Liz - 27/09/2010 19:30 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend had his phone taken away by his dad for this past week. I have been sending him naked photos and other naughty things this entire week, or so I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 465
You deserved it 40 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you and your boyfriend are of the age where one's phone might be taken away, you shouldn't be sexting.


send me the picts, my dad cant take my phone away from me,, he is in IL, and I am in China ,,,, LOL

WOW... you totally deserve to get punched in the face for being a dumbass...! doesn't matter how old you are, you just don't sent naked pics now a days....!

you don't deserve it for being a kickass DTF girlfriend!! good job

if he's so young his dad is taking his phone away that means are too young to be sending naked pics. SMH

herediaLove 0

sounds like bull!!! ... you didn't anything was wrong when he didn't reply???

BoneThugBaby 0

why would u do that if he wasnt answering u in the first place???

Illyssa_fml 4

How did you not notice that he didn't have his phone. Is it normal for him to not reply to those pictures or call you for a week??