By Liz - 27/09/2010 19:30 - United States

Today, I found out my boyfriend had his phone taken away by his dad for this past week. I have been sending him naked photos and other naughty things this entire week, or so I thought. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 465
You deserved it 40 064

Same thing different taste

Top comments

if you and your boyfriend are of the age where one's phone might be taken away, you shouldn't be sexting.


wtfsnickers 1

well now you can get it on with that daddy complex all women have

joolz_au 2

ydi for being a slutty mchoebag

So that's what that new website, is about...

mrzero 0

mi gf cheated on me by doing that too she met a guy at a wedding reception and she live in melbourne florida

OSUchicka614 0

that would be super awkward... but that is def a lack of communication on both you and your bf. you would think that if they had any sexual feelings towards each other that it wasn't just throught txting

Marvin_Android 0

Sounds horrible. If it makes you feel any better, and I already know it won't, just remember that things are only going to get worse. He might tell your parents that you were "sexting" or whatever you Earth-monkeys call it. Then your father might kill you, but that would only be doing you a favor, since life is pointless anyway. Oh God, I am so depressed. Life. Don't talk to me about life.

Ha. you kinda deserve that. You never called or anything to talk? if you had you might of realized something was up.