By Robert - 31/12/2017 09:00 - United States - Anchorage

Today, a brief survey of everyone I know revealed that everyone, including my parents, sibling, and best friends, thinks I'm gay. I had to do the first reverse coming out in history. FML
I agree, your life sucks 4 445
You deserved it 477

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you have some great friends that would accept you if you would actually be gay.

Alup132 22

I kind of relate. My sophomore year some friends thought I was gay because I never dated anyone, despite being like 15. Now I’m a high school senior and they know I’m straight but just haven’t found a girl I liked yet, so maybe they thought something similar?


Alup132 22

I kind of relate. My sophomore year some friends thought I was gay because I never dated anyone, despite being like 15. Now I’m a high school senior and they know I’m straight but just haven’t found a girl I liked yet, so maybe they thought something similar?

chessu 21

Or maybe they just haven't found the right person? I'm nearly 25, arguably, of average looking and wits female and I've also never dated anyone. Doesn't mean I've never been attracted to anyone or that I'm not interested in (having) sex. Just haven't found anyone I like and who likes me back/is available and not that I'm (or the OP is) asexual!

Notice how I didn’t say that they were? I raised it as a possibility because many aces don’t know that it even exists until long after society has convinced them they’re broken.

Alup132 22

Like Chessu said, it doesn’t mean I’ve never been attracted to anyone. I am straight since I am attracted to girls but not guys, but rather just haven’t dated anyone.

At least you have some great friends that would accept you if you would actually be gay.

exileonmainst 16

Man, there has to be something in the water of Anchorage that makes for fml stories getting published. Either that or everything in Anchorage just sucks.

“mom..? dad?? i’m... i’m straight.”

manb91uk 22

Are you sure it’s not a phase? Like the times you experimented with vegetarianism and skinny jeans?

What an insane assumption to make - "You aren't dating a woman, YOU MUST BE GAYYY!!" But, I'm not dating a man either, so using your logic I must be straight, right?

Personally, I'm not gay, I just haven't met any women from my generation that have anything more to offer in a relationship than a ******, when she doesn't have a headache. Companionship? I would get a dog, dogs are more loyal anyways. Someone to run into the coffee shop while I keep the truck warm? Nope, they have a drive-through. Someone to read a map while I am driving? My GPS will do that. Someone to look after the house while I am at work? Nope, houses are nearly autonomous now. Someone to raise kids? Nope, kids have to be in school at age three now anyways. With the inevitable rise of robots that will perform sexual tasks better than most women, all you women better step your game up and have something more to offer than just laying there like a dead fish every now and then. I'm not willing to risk half of the stuff I own, just to have a relationship in 2017/2018. Half of all marriages end in divorces anyway, and that doesn't say anything about all the relationships that end before marriage. Lmao, queue the downvotes.

its a good thing you don't want a women because women certainly won't want you

manb91uk 22

I guess you should start with that dude who thinks you’re his boyfriend though... He’ll end up naked and trying to kiss you before you know it!

Reminds me of one that happened at work once we were sitting chatting, and the sales manager commented that he had thought I was gay - not as an insult, just as an observation; one of the network guys started wetting himself laughing, and then suddenly went silent when I asked him who the sales guy had thought my boyfriend was.

darksinner222 12

Robert has the word life ever