Thanks, I hate it

By Anonymous - 02/02/2021 14:01 - Australia

Today, I received my first dick pic from my boyfriend. Problem is, we broke up 3 weeks ago and his next message said, "Oops, sorry, wrong person." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 111
You deserved it 170

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Someone is not over yet to the point of inventing a fake girlfriend to send naughties

tounces7 27

Girlfriend? Some guys send pictures of their junk to random strangers. Who knows who he might have intended it for.


Someone is not over yet to the point of inventing a fake girlfriend to send naughties

tounces7 27

Girlfriend? Some guys send pictures of their junk to random strangers. Who knows who he might have intended it for.

flagbitch 8

Confusing...but maybe it was a parting gift and you can consent to it as a last time.

You still call him your "boyfriend?" After three weeks? That says a lot.

diraven 15

Is your boyfriend Anthony Weiner?

tounces7 27

If other FMLs are any indication, you're better off. At least he's moved on and won't bug you anymore.

tatted.starg8zr 1

Sounds like an excuse to talk to you.

Least you know you were still in his contacts 3 weeks after breaking up. He also could have done that just to be cruel, and there was no "someone else", but he wanted you to think there was and feel bad...