By CrapDay - 18/01/2017 22:00

Today, I woke up early in the morning when it was still dark to go off to work. I saw what looked like a piece of slime that my children would play with and went to pick it up. Nope. Turns out it was puppy shit. Wet, slimy puppy waste. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 170
You deserved it 1 793

Same thing different taste

Top comments

<p>If you have a puppy, TRUST NOTHING NEW!</p>

Although that is gross and all, you could have turned on a light or something to make sure. At least you know to make sure for next time!


Although that is gross and all, you could have turned on a light or something to make sure. At least you know to make sure for next time!

<p>If you have a puppy, TRUST NOTHING NEW!</p>

monyluv1 13

I'm still trying to figure out why you felt the need to pick up slime. I mean, have you SEEN ghostbusters?? Never a good idea. Just walk away.

OP has children whom are either young or very impulsive, and as he didn't want them playing with a slimy object, picked it up so they wouldn't.

Piece of slime or not, your kids probably would have played with it.

player69badboy 0
diisneygirl 2

Gross lol. That's a bad start to the day. i hope it got better.

That's a really shitty way to start the morning... lll see myself out...

jcash52426 5

Why would you pick up slime with your bare hands. If you hade just used a paper towel or a zip lock bag you wouldn't have pick picked up do crap.