By haley - 16/11/2018 14:00

Today, while in a parking lot, I accidentally cut someone off out of pure nervousness as I'm a new driver. I got out of my car to apologize, and they responded by beating me and my car to a pulp with a baseball bat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 536
You deserved it 449

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ashtro 11

If they assaulted you and your car, you have a right to press charges over that, I believe. Sorry that happened OP...

whiskey'swino 15

Definitely report that to the police and to your insurance. That is a rough way to be welcomed into the not-so-wonderful world of driving.


ChromoTec 24

How could that happen? Nobody in their right mind would be stupid enough to carry a baseball bat in their car! Sorry you met that ONE person we all hate, OP.

Is this serious? Why would you not have something you could use as a weapon in your car? I live in Montana, we all have guns

And why is having a baseball bat in their car stupid? It’s a common alternative to a gun, and equipment for an extremely common kids sport.

I kept one in my car when I was working in news. We had a lot of break ins and muggings in the parking lot. And walking to and from my car in the middle of the night solo just seemed stupid.

Ashtro 11

If they assaulted you and your car, you have a right to press charges over that, I believe. Sorry that happened OP...

whiskey'swino 15

Definitely report that to the police and to your insurance. That is a rough way to be welcomed into the not-so-wonderful world of driving.

They probably thought you were a carjacker. In this context, getting out of your car is an inappropriately aggressive move. Stick to Uber and buses until you learn road etiquette.

People learn through experience. The more this person drives, the better aquainted they will be with the road, and driving etiquette 😬🙃

People are impatient pricks, OP. At least you tried to apologize. That's more than most people would do. Don't let this discourage you from driving.

What goes around comes around OP Next time you’ll see him and his car in a ditch

Ledzepisrovering 2

I'm sorry to hear OP. One time on my way to Chick Fil A, I realised that I parked in the 3-5 minute pick up spot. There was an SUV behind me just standing in the middle of the road/parking lot. I waited for a bit but the person just had their emergency lights on and not moving or anything. Finally, I got out of my space and moved to the closest spot available. As I parked, the person started honking but I ignored it cause I didn't see anything except for them parking up front, closer to the stores. I am gathering all my things to go eat and when I get out, this lady gets out of her SUV. She starts throwing hands and cussing at me about how I stole her spot after I parked in the wrong place. I said I am sorry, I didn't know she was going to park there and calling me a dumbass and racist. Finally, she went somewhere but I made sure to take her license plate and eat where I can see both cars. I am sorry you had to experience that because some drivers are just too aggressive

I hope you called the police and filed a criminal complaint

Nhayaa 21

I wonder if all the dickheads hitting "YDI" carry a bat in their car as well... I mean, you HAVE to be one of those to think that it's ok to bit anyone for a reason like this. For any reason actually. My faith in humanity decreases everyday...