Should be interesting at the office tomorrow…

By confused_lemon - 04/06/2019 00:00

Today, I got thrown out by a guy I really like, with the words "Can you leave me the fuck alone, please?" I took my stuff and left as quickly as I could, just to fall down the stairs on his doorway and twist my ankle really bad. He's someone from work as well. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 629
You deserved it 655

Same thing different taste

Top comments

were you stalking him? it sounds like you've really been bugging him.

deathtiki 10


deathtiki 10

were you stalking him? it sounds like you've really been bugging him.

WeirdUS 29

Sounds like you may have been following him around without saying much. That can be really creepy and annoying. It's not cute at all. I know introverted people tend to do this and not express feeling but if you have and you continued not cool this doesn't sound like the case. It seems you were just following the guy around hoping he would notice you and that in itself is kinda weird.

It’s also gonna be awkward when you have to see him in court after suing him because you got hurt on his property. PS: I think your chances with him are less than 50/50.

bobsanction 18

Well maybe you should have left him alone.

There's more to this story, and the missing part is the part that would help us determine whether it's an FML or a YDI.