By Anonymous - 31/12/2015 18:55 - United States

Today, I overheard my mother-in-law and sister-in-law over the baby monitor. They were talking about how much better off my daughter would be if I were to die. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 131
You deserved it 1 620

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Step 1: Call them into whatever room you have the receiver in. Step 2: Go into the baby's room and start talking about how great baby monitors are. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit

Well OP the solution is simple. Fake your death and see what happens. JK I'm sure they don't know your daughter like you do, any kid would be lost without their mother, I know I would be


moo77_fml 20

What a nasty thing to say... I would defo have a word and tell them a daddy is important in any little ladies life :)

moo77_fml 20

Well .. every kid needs both parents in there lives .. Regardless who the comment was made to .. It was nasty .. If I heard someone say that about my kids I know I'd be showing them the door!!!

They were talking about the mother #12

I totally agree with you #1. I, to, would show them the way to the door.

Not in every childs life #1, I actually prefer it to not know my dad nor have grown up with him.

While I think this was horrible, no a child does not need 'both parents' in their lives.

A child also doesn't NEED two legs. It's still cruel to cut one off.

Like I said, I think it's terrible to say this. You have to also think of the other people here, though. Saying that children need one mom and one dad could be kinda hard on other people who didn't have that, or even wished they didn't have one parent, don't you think? And it kinda says they shouldn't be happy about their life. It also says to parents that don't have a SO or an SO of the same gender that it's "cruel" for their child not to have that other parent. I think we all agree saying something like this is terrible, but saying someone needs both parents or it's cruel not to have one isn't really nice either.

SuperMew 22

As long as the people/parent/guardian in their life is able to care for them, love them, and support them emotionally/physically... you could have just one person and the kid would be better off than anyone with two asshole parents.

moo77_fml 20

My son didn't know his dad.. Not my sons choice .. It was his dad's !!! But his step dad has done such a good job !!! Proud of both of them.. My son is 18 and I still get complimented on how well behaved he is x

moo77_fml 20

They need good role models .. My son has been brought up my myself and his step dad.. But having negative people is just not acceptable . The front door is wide open in my house for people like that to walk out of

moo77_fml 20

I thought it was the dad listening on the monitor not the mother.. I strongly believe a child needs both parents.. My son was 3 when my marriage fell apart and my ex didn't want anything to do with him.. My hubby now has brought my son up who is now 18 and a fantastic addition to society :) xx role models are important

moo77_fml 20

How can you tell.. I couldn't lol

^ When you read FML from a computer it will show the gender of the OP. If you use the iPhone app, it is the outline of a woman in the upper left hand corner. It's ok!

A child does not NEED both parents. Children can grow up in single parent households or gay households and be successful and happy and there are children who have both parents that could be miserable. A child needs love and guidance, a husband and wife doesn't equal that. The sentiment that this comment is terrible and op's child probably wouldn't be better off without her is nice, but don't make such a comment like that. Look at a child whose parent was abusive and now only has the other parent and tell them how they NEED the other parent. Look at someone who grew up in a loving family without both parents and tell them how they NEED the other parent. It's rude and disrespectful.

So what? You're saying that because my 'father' doesn't look after me or because he has never helped my mum then I'm not going to be a good addition to society? So if my mum were to get married then automatically I would be a good person? Your logic is barely even there. You don't need two parents to be a good person: they don't shape you.

Well OP the solution is simple. Fake your death and see what happens. JK I'm sure they don't know your daughter like you do, any kid would be lost without their mother, I know I would be

leogachi 15

@3 Not all mothers are good mothers.

I hate how everyone is forced to be around those people that you know they hate you, but you still have to be around them, especially in-laws. But FYL.

OP should make sure those in laws don't get to see her child anymore.

Well, ain't that some shit. Time to kick them out of your house and tell husband why they're not welcome back.

Step 1: Call them into whatever room you have the receiver in. Step 2: Go into the baby's room and start talking about how great baby monitors are. Step 3: ??? Step 4: Profit

That's pretty much it. ******* psychos…

That is beyond ****** up to them to say, even if they did think you wouldn't hear them. It's one thing to dislike someone, it's even worse to wish death upon them. I'm sure you're a good mother OP

That's awful! I'm sorry OP. Maybe your baby would be better off if they weren't in their life (but not by them dying)

Get out the shotgun... They gonna pay for what they said.

I sure hope they knew you were in there, and only joking around.

countryb_cth 38

Even so, that's really not something that you joke about and it's definitely not funny.

If they had a dark sense of humor, then it could've been funny to them.