By ChubbyTubby - 17/01/2010 18:13 - United States

Today, my boyfriend humped me to the tune of the Imperial March from Star Wars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 654
You deserved it 6 718

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ROFLsyrup 0

If you think this is an FML you don't deserve him.

BUM BUM BUM BUMBA BUM BUMBA BUM. from a fellow female, holy shit, that is funny. especially since my school band is playing the starwars music.


Y_U_19029 0

I dnt see anything wrong with this, star wars is down

YeahFMLxX 0

he deserves the 6 disk collection for that ..

RevengeOnYou 0

Ur boyfriend deserves a thumbs up XD thats pretty adorable rofl

that's freakin' awesome! be glad it wasn't some shorty movie or show's theme. damn I'm jealous!

BUM BUM BUM BUMBA BUM BUMBA BUM. from a fellow female, holy shit, that is funny. especially since my school band is playing the starwars music.

dacman48 0

******* awesome. ur bf pwns face

DBkkk 0

That's awesome unless he looks like jabba the hut. Did he have a lando penis?